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Horoscopes having the Moon in 27° Scorpio : Bob Marley, Gérard Depardieu, Mitt Romney, Claire Chazal, Lisa Kudrow, Elisabeth of Bavaria, Ravi Shankar, Nick Drake, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Penny Thornton, Nathalie Delon, Julie Christie. List of all the celebrities born on January 13. Find all the celebrities having this aspect.Ĭelebrities born the same day: Orlando Bloom, Liam Hemsworth, Patrick Dempsey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, George Gurdjieff, Tyler Henry, Guy Corneau, Natalia Dyer, Cabu, Nicole Eggert, Penelope Ann Miller, Shonda Rhimes. Horoscopes having the same aspect Moon square Ascendant (orb 0☂1'): Tom Cruise, Emma Watson, Zendaya, Napoleon I, Charles Manson, Michelle Pfeiffer, Adam Levine, Matthew McConaughey, Romy Schneider, Gordon Ramsay, Michael Fassbender, Caitlyn Jenner. Find all the celebrities having this aspect. Horoscopes having the same aspect Sun trine Midheaven (orb 0☀0'): Ariana Grande, Whitney Houston, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Gerard Butler, François Fillon, Charles de Gaulle, Andrew Garfield, Jensen Ackles, Barbra Streisand, François Mitterrand, Tony Robbins.

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